August 14, 2013

Board Meeting (8/14/2013)

Upton Associates - Raleigh, NC
August 14, 2013

Meeting Minutes and Notes

North Carolina Board for Licensing of Geologists


August 14, 2013

Office of Upton Associates - Raleigh, North Carolina

The meeting was called to order at 9:15 am by Chair Lindsey Walata. Others present included Bill Harris, Bob Remsburg, Rick Kolb, Kenneth Taylor and John Stevens.  Phillip Reynolds, Board Counsel and Barbara Geiger, Board Administrator were also present.

The Conflict of Interest Statement was read by the Chair.  Dr. Taylor noted that, as the State Geologist and employee at the NC Department Environment and Natural Resources, he will refrain from participating in the deliberation or taking any action by the Board with respect to any application for licensing submitted by an employee of the NC Department.  Discussion followed regarding review of applications by Board members.  .0301b states that no Board member may give a reference for applications.


Following review, motion was made by Bob Remsburg, seconded by Bill Harris to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2013 meeting of the Board as revised.  The motion carried.

Financial Report

The Board reviewed the year-end balance sheet and profit and loss statement.  Barbara Geiger noted that the 2010-11 and 2011-12 financial audits would be available prior to the next meeting of the Board.  In addition, she noted that the 2012-13 financial records would be sent to the auditor in the near future to insure that the audit would be complete by the October 31 date per the requirement of NCGS§93B.  The financial report was approved by consent.

Administrative Report

License Update

Barbara Geiger reported that there are 1391 active individual licensees with approximately 60 individuals who will receive revocation letters due to non-renewal.  There are 233 active licensed corporations with less than ten that will receive revocation letters due to non-renewal.  Board members were advised to expect a large number of reinstatement applications at the November 2013 meeting.  Ms. Geiger noted that there are 32 active candidates for examination with 15 pending applications for review.  There are currently 12 candidates registered for the October 4, 2013 examination.


Ms. Geiger reported that the website is almost ready for Board review prior to launch.  Following discussion, it was determined that the Board should be sent the demo link for review of the website by September 1, 2013 with an expected launch date of September 15, 2013.  Board members should email Barbara Geiger with comments and/or suggestions within ten days of receipt of the demo link.  Consensus of the Board was to table the public comment area originally proposed for the site, but to revisit at a later date.  Phillip Reynolds reminded Ms. Geiger that Board members should have POP email accounts assigned through the website.

Request for Reciprocal/Comity Agreement

Ms. Geiger presented a request from the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists for ‘mutual reciprocity or comity between our two states’.  The request inquired if the NC Board for Licensing of Geologists would be interested in developing a “Statement of Understanding of Reciprocity or Comity” with the Texas Board.  Bill Harris made the motion to respond to the Texas Board by describing the comity requirement of NC General Statute 89E and that the reply respectfully reject the request for a formal agreement.  Barbara Geiger will draft the response to be reviewed and edited by Phillip Reynolds prior to sending.

ASBOG Call for Nominations

Barbara Geiger informed the Board that she had not followed through with the request of the Board to endorse Dennis LaPoint for the position of Secretary on the ASBOG Board of Directors.  She missed the May 28 deadline.  Ms. Geiger apologized to the Board and informed them that she had been in contact with Mr. LaPoint and ASBOG staff sharing that Mr. LaPoint is interested in remaining involved in ASBOG on behalf of the NC Board.  Further discussion will follow as part of the ASBOG report.

Legal Update

Advisory Statement Regarding Subcontracting

Phillip Reynolds distributed the Advisory Statement regarding subcontracting for Board review.  The Board discussed the proposed statement reminding licensees and the general public of the Statute and the rules of the Board regarding subcontracting.  Motion was made by Rick Kolb to form a committee to work with Phillip Reynolds to revise the statement and to prepare a visual/flow chart.  Bill Harris and Kenneth Taylor volunteered to serve on the committee.  The motion was seconded by John Stevens and carried.

Board Training

Phillip Reynolds presented training relative to Article 33C – Meetings of Public Bodies and Chapter 132 – Public Records.

The Board recessed for lunch at 12:02 pm.  The Board reconvened the meeting at 12:42 pm.


Lindsey Walata noted that the ASBOG 2013 Annual Meeting and Fall Workshop will be held October 30-November 2, 2013 in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Rick Kolb made the motion that Bill Harris attend the Council of Examiners (COE) portion of the meeting and that Dennis LaPoint be asked to attend the COE meeting and in addition, represent the Board as the Voting Delegate at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 2, 2013.  The motion also stated that if Dennis LaPoint were unable to represent the Board as the Voting Delegate, then Lindsey Walata should attend.  The motion was seconded by Bob Remsburg and carried unanimously.

Old Business

Records Retention

Rick Kolb presented a spreadsheet showing the current records retention policy of the Board and the records retention policies of the NCBELS, NCBLA AND NCBA along with comments from him and the Board Administrator.

There was discussion regarding the digitizing of records.  Barbara Geiger was asked to review the records retention policy and give advice regarding what needs to be digitized.  Ms. Geiger will get quotes for scanning and storage of records.


Kenneth Taylor suggested that the Board Administrator send an email blast to the licensees inquiring what topics that the licensees would like to see in the next issue of the Board newsletter.

NC Mining and Energy Commission Update

Dr. Taylor distributed the Quarterly Report on Activities Conducted Pursuant to S.L. 2012-143 To the Joint Legislative Commission on Energy Policy and the Environmental Review Commission.  He gave a brief report on the activities of the NC Mining and Energy Commission.

Board Member Terms Expiring June 30, 2013

The Governor’s Office has been notified that Bill Harris and Bob Remsburg are both willing to serve a second term on the NC Board for Licensing of Geologists.  These members will continue to serve until reappointed or replaced.

November 6, 2013 Meeting – UNC Chapel Hill Geology Department

Rick Kolb will work with Barbara Geiger regarding details of the meeting.  The meeting will begin at 10:00 am.  Barbara Geiger will be prepared with copies of the Rules and Statute and will have the bookmarks reprinted double sided.

Lindsey Walata noted that she and Rick Kolb had met with Department head of the newly named NC State University Marine Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

AEG Regional Conference in Raleigh, NC

Rick Kolb noted that the AEG Regional Conference and inquired if the Board could co-sponsor the event.  Phillip Reynolds will talk to Jennie Hauser regarding this issue.

Peer Reviewers

Lindsey Walata reported that Neil Gilbert has requested that the Board send a letter out to former Board members requesting their participation on the Peer Review Committee as the numbers have declined in the past several years.  Dr. Harris made the motion to send out said letter.  The motion was seconded by Kenneth Taylor and carried.

On motion by Kenneth Taylor and second by John Stevens, the Board moved into the Working Session to discuss disciplinary actions and applications.  On motion by Bill Harris and second by Kenneth Taylor the Board moved into open session. 

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:06 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

John Stevens
