January 7, 2014

Board Meeting (1/7/14)

Meeting Minutes and Notes

NC Board for Licensing of Geologists


January 7, 2014

Upton Associates, Raleigh, NC

The meeting was called to order at 9:03 by Chair Lindsey Walata.  Others present included Rick Kolb, Bill Miller, Bob Remsburg, John Stevens, Ken Taylor and Barbara Geiger, Board Administrator.  Ms. Walata read the conflict of interest statement.  Dr. Taylor noted that, as the State Geologist and employee of the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, he will refrain from participating in the deliberation or taking any action by the Board with respect to any application for licensing submitted by an employee of the Department.

Welcome and Introductions

Approval of Minutes

Following review of the minutes of the November 6, 2013 meeting of the Board, motion was made by Bob Remsburg to approve the minutes  The motion was seconded by Kenneth Taylor and carried.

Financial Report

Following review of the financial reports, motion was made by Bob Remsburg to approve the minutes  The motion was seconded by Kenneth Taylor and carried.  The Board briefly discussed the Certificates of Deposit held by Suntrust Bank.  The reasons to go with a local bank versus an online bank were discussed.

Administrative Report

Barbara Geiger reported that there are currently 1371 Active licensees and 240 Active corporate licensees.  She reported that the next ASBOG examination would be held on March 7, 2014.  She presented the Board with exam stats from the October 4, 2013 exam.  Dr. Bill Harris’ service on the Board was discussed.  Dr. Harris will be invited to attend the April 15 meeting of the Board where he will be recognized by a Letter of Commendation and the traditional “pick plaque.”


Lindsey Walata noted that Richard Spruill had been invited to speak to the Board at this meeting, but that he was unable to attend.  Barbara Geiger will invite him to attend the April 15, 2014 meeting.  It was noted that the ASBOG Task Analysis Survey Workshop would be held January 17-18, 2014.  Dr. Bill Harris has agreed to attend if the Board so desires.  Motion was made by Dr. Miller to approve expenses for Dr. Harris to attend the TAS in Buffalo, NY.  The motion was seconded by John Stevens and carried.

Old Business

Advisory Subcontracting Statement

Phillip Reynolds joined the meeting by telephone at 10:00 am.  Mr. Reynolds noted that the Advisory Subcontracting Statement was very close to completion.

Website Update

There was discussion regarding the Area of Specialty data that is collected from each licensee at the time of renewal.  Mr. Reynolds noted that there had recently been an instance where a NC licensed geologist was cited by the NC Board of Examiners for Engineers and Land Surveyors for calling himself an “engineering geologist”.  It was noted that the Board doesn’t recognize or grant specialization in the area of geology and that the area of specialty was simply a convenience for the website user.  It was determined that the Board’s areas of practice should be clarified.  The Board is in agreement that alternate titles and a disclaimer are acceptable for use on the website and instructed Barbara Geiger to work with Phillip Reynolds on the disclaimer.  Further discussion was tabled until the next meeting of the Board.

Mr. Reynolds left the meeting at 11:10 am.

Records Retention                                                                                      

The Board discussed records retention and the scanning of all records.  There was question regarding if a hard copy must be maintained or if a scanned copy of documents would be acceptable.  Barbara Geiger was asked to inquire of the State Archives to see if a scanned copy is acceptable.  Barbara Geiger presented the bids received from the firms contacted regarding scanning and storage of records.  Motion was made by Dr. Taylor to select Cor 365 to perform the work.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Kolb and carried.

NC Mining and Energy Update

Dr. Taylor reported that the Commission continues to work on the rules and that there are 35 meetings of the Commission scheduled for 2014.

Board Member Reappointments

Barbara Geiger noted that she had not yet heard from the Governors’ office regarding Mr. Remsburg’s Board position.

SE GSA Meeting Blacksburg, VA

The Southeastern GSA meeting scheduled for Blacksburg, VA, April 10-11, 2014 was discussed.  Rick Kolb, John Stevens and Bill Miller will attend.  The NC Board will be sharing a booth with ASBOG.  Motion was made by Rick Kolb to participate in the SEGSA regional meeting and to provide financial support to ASBOG in an amount up to $500 and to send up to 3 Board members and to cover their expenses. The motion was seconded by Dr. Miller and carried.  Barbara Geiger will coordinate with ASBOG and those three Board members regarding attendance.

Annual Election of Officers

Kenneth Taylor made the motion to approve the following slate for the 2014 officers of the Board.

Chair – Lindsey Walata

Vice Chair – Rick Kolb

Secretary-Treasurer – John Stevens

The motion was seconded by Bob Remsburg and carried unanimously.

John Stevens noted that he would be retiring this year from Martin Marietta.

Motion to go into closed session per NC GS §143?318.11 was made by Dr. Miller and seconded by Rick Kolb.

Motion to move to open session was made by Dr. Taylor and seconded by Mr Remsburg.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned 1:41 pm.

Respectfully submitted

John Stevens

Secretary Treasurer